Social Connection and Inclusion Project (AMIF)

Intercultural and Anti-racism training

This training is aimed at employers and organisations to help them recognize and better harness the strength of intercultural workforces and be sensitive to any practices or unconscious biases that may hinder inclusivity for migrant employees in the workplace.

Training sessions are a safe space in which participants can explore concepts of culture and identity and preconceptions without fear of being judged for saying the wrong thing.

Our Intercultural and Anti-racism training is best suited for front office staff HR professionals, Diversity & Inclusion teams, Management teams / Businesses, Public Service, Large NGOs, and non-profit organisations


Increase understanding of other cultures and promote equality and inclusion in the workplace and community.

Project Outcomes:

  • Increase capacity of eligible asylum seekers, refugees, and Third Country Nationals in accessing employment opportunities, gainful labour skills and to seek and obtain training and education. Increase the capacity of Migrant leaders and TCN’s to engage in local community and participate in civic activities in the county and other local community participatory structures.
  • Increased awareness of forms of discrimination and other barriers that prevent integration of TCN’s and Minority communities which
    will promote positive relations.
  • Improve cultural competencies and understanding of cultural difference among statutory bodies, community and voluntary organisations in interactions with TCN’s and minority communities.
  • Increase knowledge and skills required to transition from direct provision into the local community, increase awareness on housing opportunities and how to become first time homebuyers.
  • An effective and efficient
  • project that has capacity to deliver on the programme objectives in a manner that meets best practice in terms of project management and governance.


The SCIP Project is co-financed by the European Commission under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2019 – 2022 and is support by the Department of Justice and Equality